Function getArbitrary

Get a random value of type T. Randomly generates necessary ctor arguments.

T getArbitrary(T, Generators...) (
  Config config = Config.init

Depending on Config.randomizeFields, all fields of structs and classes are random initialized.


Generators custom factory functions for specific types
config Configuration for random generation


CyclicDependencyException - when ctor arguments cyclically depend on each other


basic usage

auto sarray = getArbitrary!(int[4])();
auto array = getArbitrary!(float[])();
auto aarray = getArbitrary!(int[string])();


fields not randomized

static struct Tuple { TypeTuple!(uint, float) vals; alias vals this; }
Config config;
config.randomizeFields = false;
auto val = getArbitrary!(Tuple)(config);
assert(val[0] == uint.init);


complex example with ctor arguments and generators

static struct UserStruct
    this(int val) { this.val = val; }
    int val;

static struct UserStructHolder
    this(UserStruct val) { this.val = val; }
    UserStruct val;

static struct UserStructInit
    UserStruct val;

static UserStruct generator()
    return UserStruct(10);

auto val = getArbitrary!(UserStruct, generator)();
assert(val.val == 10);

auto val2 = getArbitrary!(UserStructHolder, generator)();
assert(val2.val.val == 10);

auto val3 = getArbitrary!(UserStructInit, generator)();
assert(val3.val.val == 10);


picks a random ctor

static class MultiCtors
    uint val;

        this.val = 1;

    this(uint, uint)
        this.val = 2;

    this(uint, uint, uint)
        this.val = 3;

    this(uint, uint, uint, uint)
        this.val = 4;

auto initial = getArbitrary!(MultiCtors)();
auto i = 0;
while (initial.val == getArbitrary!(MultiCtors)().val)
  assert(++i < 100);


field can be configured to be non-random

static class ClassWCtor

    int m;

static class TestClass
    ClassWCtor val;

static struct TestStruct
    ClassWCtor val;

static class ClassWOCtor
    int m;

Config config;
config.randomizeFields = false;
auto cl = getArbitrary!TestClass(config);
assert(cl.val is null);
cl = getArbitrary!(TestClass)();
assert(!(cl.val is null));